Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Website Creation Tutorial Free Web and Blog

Website Creation Tutorial Free Web and Blog on blogspot

For the beginner who does not know at all how the steps in the travel garus to have a blog, at this conference Blog Seo tutorial will give you a little information that can be used as guidance in getting a good blog that at Blogspot.com .

Step by Step how to create a blog

1. To start a blog on blogspot register please visit www.blogger.com site address, then search for key Sign up (list) in the upper right corner, as shown below
how to create a blog
2. After the sign up button is clicked, will appear later registration application account creation gooogle, as shown below. Please fill out the application. The image below is an example of filling.
Explanation charging: in the Name, Fill in your first name and your last name.
On the Choose your username, the contents in accordance with your wishes, this username will serve as your login email access to dashboard blogspot you and can also log into Gmail. (if the username is not available, tambahka numbers or letters on the back),
In the Create a Password, enter your password (use the easy to remember), the Confirm your passwordsilahkan contents with the same password with the password in the fields to create a possword earlier.
At birth day enter your date of birth you. On the Phone, the contents of the cell phone number you, to Curent your email, just vacated. On the type of the two pieces of text, typing two text the code on it. The next tick on two small boxes at the bottom, and the last click on the Next button step.

how to create a blog
3. Once you click on the next button, the command will display the account verification, please enter your mobile number. Then click tombool Send Verifikation Code. Later you will receive sms from google that contains an activation code.
how to create a blog
4. SMS verification code from google to your phone will look like the image below.
how to create a blog
5. Enter the verification code sms in above on the column who appear, like the picture at below this. then click the the Verify button
how to create a blog
6. If the previous step is successful, you will see a page like the image below. To add a photo please click add profile pictures, if you want to go straight to the next step please click the Next Step button.
how to create a blog
how to create a blog
7. The next page will appear as shown below. This is a sign that you've had a google account email address that can be used to log into Gmail.com danblogger.com, then please click the Back button to blogger.
how to create a blog
8. If you see a page like the picture below ignore it, though more rapidly in a blog. Please click the continue button to a blogger.
how to create a blog
9. After that you will go to the main page of blogger Dashboard. In this dashboard you can create a blog, write a post, set the theme and others. To make the first blog click New Blog button.
how to create a blog
10. Once the button is clicked a new blog, blog creation window will appear. The title on the title of your blog content, at the address contents dengana blog address you want. In the template, select one of the templates that you want. Then click the button for blogs

how to create a blog
11. After the steps above, your blog has been successfully created. To write a post please click the Pencil button, while viewing a blog entry is empty (no article) Please click the browse buttons blog.
how to create a blog

Bloggers sign up with Gmail Account

If you already have a Gmail.com email address, you do not need to register from scratch. You can directly enter the gmail email address and your password, then click the login button. Furthermore you do not need to fill in a variety of fields. You only need to enter the Display Name and address of the site.

How to Charge article on the new Blogger interface on Display

Blogger has recently launched display interface on all parts of its Dashboard. Starting from the post article, section setting, part setting template, the comments section, and others have changed all. So for those of you who are automatically redirected to the new display interface, please refer to the guidelines on how to fill out article on the new display interface below;
1. Here's a new image display interface blogger dashboard page. Look at the picture below, some important keys still be included, it's just that his position changed according to the shape of the new look. So to go to a page on blogspot charging article, please click the existing Orange pencil drawings.

how to create a blog
2. After posting the page will appear as shown below. For more details, please understand information in the image below.
how to create a blog
3. Enter the title of the article, article content, and the labels on the columns that have been provided. So the result is like the example below. After all filled in, please click the publish button is colored orange.
how to create a blog
4. After you click the publish button, the page will change as shown below. If it appears like the image below, it means you've succeeded in articles posted or published. To view the published article please click on the View button. While the Edit button is used to edit or change the article pulled you. Then for the Delete button to delete the article function.
how to create a blog

How to Login and Logout access Blogspot dashboard.

If you use a computer to create a blog is a cafe or laptop computer loan, preferably before closing the laptop please logout first of Dashboard in anticipation of your blogspot account security. Clicking on the button at the top right corner of your profile name, and then click the exit button. look at the picture below.
how to create a blog
While To go back to blogspot, how about the same with the earliest steps earlier. Ie go to www.blogger.com, then enter your email and password that you got earlier. for example, see figure below.
cara loging akses blogspot

How to Set a Form Setting Blogspot Comments

We adjust the settings according to the blogspot comment form is required to be done. Why? Because the defaul, display interface on blogspot comment form is limited only to certain account holders, such as account blogger, wordpress account, typepad account. So that other people who have commented on the blog when they want our article, he can not enter the site address or their blog. because in formnya not available as shown below.
how to create a blog
Here is a brief and simple explanation of how the setting form comments on blogspot.
1. The first step is to login to the dashboard blogspot yours, then go into the settings window / settings, by clicking on the small triangle on the left refer to the blog, then click on the settings button. Note the image below for more details.

how to create a blog
2. After a successful entry into the settings window, please click on the post and comments
how to create a blog
3. Window display posts and comments will appear as shown below. To adjust the settings so that people commenting can fill their site address, please click on the option EVERYONE. To be more explicit please look at the picture below
how to create a blog
4. Once the option is enabled on EVERYONE, then press the SAVE SETTINGS existing upper right corner.
how to create a blog
5. To know the results, please go to one of the posts on your blogspot article, then see the comment form. The result will look like the image below. So that your site visitors can leave comments complete with website addresses.
how to create a blog

Changing the language on blogspot

It's either the validity of the system or a bug on blogspot, lately after we managed to create a blog on blogspot. display menu using the menu on the dashboard Arabic. so of course, makes us the original Indonesian citizen, would have had difficulties. And to replace it is still quite confusing to pemula.Silahkan look at the picture below for how to change blogspot language with simple and easiest way
how to create a blog

That's a full explanation of how to guide to make a blog on blogspot. The author hopes that this guide is easy to understand by anyone who wants to create a blog. If in this guide there are less obvious due to a typo or incorrect writing, authors apologize. You can ask questions via the comments form below if you want to ask something related to the guide above to create a blog.

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